How is it possible that kids who go to bed full still wake up hungry in the morning? It seems like a mystery, but today we'll unravel this surprising phenomenon.

What happens during sleep?
Children look so still and peaceful while sleeping, don’t they? It makes you wonder “Is this the same child who was buzzing around like an excited puppy during the day?” Unbelievable! However, it will shock you that although their bodies may be quiet on the outside, their internal system is still working hard! Science has proven that the brain uses the most energy when we are at rest, accounting for two-thirds of the body's energy expenditure. But the question is, where does this energy go?
You see, while they sleep, many complex processes like digestion, cell repair and growth take place in complex process called metabolism. This is why doctors usually recommend a full 8-hour sleep for children! Because their bodies use energy from their meals to construct and develop through the night. By the time your child wakes up to a new day, all that metabolism is done!
The Importance of Breakfast
After a night of hard work, your child’s body is in high demand for more energy. This is where breakfast comes into play. A nutritious breakfast replenishes the energy they lost during sleep and gets them ready to face the day.
And Mummy, you’re doing a fantastic job when you make sure your child doesn’t skip breakfast. Why? Because if their body doesn’t get the proper energy from food, it might start to use incorrect sources of energy like their muscles to get the energy it needs. This is why it’s so important to quickly redirect the body to the correct energy source with a nutritious champion breakfast which also includes a cup of MILO®!
Why Choose MILO®?
MILO® is no ordinary choco-malt milky drink. It is a high-quality nourisher that is made from quality natural ingredients. The malt, milk and cocoa used in MILO® is carefully sourced from hardworking farmers with high quality control standards. Fortified with 6 vitamins and 3 minerals including iron and calcium, MILO® provides a nutritious malted cocoa drink that supports energy release in your children and helps them to give off their best. So, when you serve them their favorite beverage, feel rest assured that you are also giving them the nourishment and energy they need to tackle their active day.
Support Their Big Dreams
But the benefits of MILO® go beyond just physical energy. A nutritious breakfast, including a cup of MILO®, supports cognitive function, helping your child to think clearly, focus better, and retain information more effectively. This is particularly important during school hours, where concentration and mental stamina are key to learning and academic success.
In conclusion, sleep is surprisingly energy-draining, despite the peaceful appearance of rest. As your child rests and dreams big at night, be sure to support those dreams each morning with a cup of MILO®. It’s a great way to ensure they start the day with the energy and nutrition they need to turn those dreams into reality!